Perfect fit for the Hakko FM-2027 and FM-2030 soldering irons and the 599B tip cleaner is the perfect alternative to the traditional wet sponge.
FH200-01, FM2027 and FM2030 Iron Holder w/ 599B Tip Cleaner
SKU: HFH200-01
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Hakko iron holders are made with temperature resistant materials and feature a non-skid base. This holder fits the Hakko FM-2027 and FM-2030 soldering irons..
£64.81 Excl. VAT
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Iron Holder FH200-01/2: ![]()
Part Number | Description | |
FH200-01 FH200-02 | Iron Holder (Inc. Cleaning Wire) Iron Holder (Inc. Cleaning Sponge) | |
1. B3001 | Iron receptacle | |
2. B2791 | Retaining Clip | |
3. B3248 | Receptacle Holder | |
4. B3250 | Back Plate | |
5. B3252 | Switch Case Assembly | |
6. B3251 | Base | |
7. B3249 | Cleaner Base | |
8. A1519 | Cleaning Sponge | |
9. 599B-02 | 599 Wire Holder | |
10. 599-029 | 599 Cleaning Wire |
Weight | 0.6916 kg |